Gratitude. Respect.
Spirit of the Elks Marching Band
Gratitude. Respect.
Gratitude. Respect.
Gratitude. Respect.
Follow the link below to gain access to the 2024-2025 Band Orientation slides. If you have additional questions please email Mr. Day.
If you are going to miss a rehearsal or event for ANY reason you must fill out this form. If necessary a Director will be reaching out to schedule a parent meeting to discuss further actions.
If you weren't able to attend the Wind Ensemble Seattle Parent Meeting you can find the presentation here. If you have any questions please reach out to Mr. G.
Private Lessons are one of the most crucial aspects to our program's success! Our Boosters generously offer several $10 and $20 scholarships each year. Fill out the Form below and Mr. G will reach out to you. If you have questions please email Mr. G.
Band Fee statements have been updated through PRESTO. All fees are up to date (excluding school rental feels). Questions can be answered by Booster Treasurer, Karen Kuhlman.
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